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How do I replace and sharpen the cutting blades?
Before attempting to service the blades, ensure that you remove the ignition key
Inspect the cutting blades for their sharpness. If any of the blades appear to look bent or dull, it may be necessary to replace or sharpen them accordingly.
Inspect for wear. If the cutting blade has been worn out to over 1/2 of its original thickness, it may be necessary to replace the cutting blade with a fresh one.
Inspect the other cutting blades for dents or gouges. As with the previous step, too many gouges on the top surface or at the bottom of the blade is a sign that the blade needs replacement.
A nicked or brushed blade will need to be sharpened. Take out the blades to sharpen it.
Ensure that you sharpen the cutting edge of the blade to the same bevel as the original condition.
Balance the blade in order to check its stability and make sure that its well-balanced before you refasten it to the mower’s deck